viernes, 25 de mayo de 2012


The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics,

Trieste, Italy - (ICTP)


ICTP, Miramare - Trieste, Italy

The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP)
invites applications for a small number of fellowships for outstanding
mathematicians from developing countries.
- Visiting Fellowships are open to mathematicians of any age and fund
visits of between 1 and 12 months to ICTP during the year January -
December 2013;
- Post-Doctoral Fellowships are intended for younger mathematicians who
have obtained a PhD in mathematics after 1 January 2009. They have a
12-month duration with a possibility to be renewed for a further 12 months.
Preference is given to candidates who will benefit most from the time
spent at ICTP, in the sense of pursuing their own research, using the
ICTP facilities, interacting with other mathematicians, and ultimately
turning the fellowship into a positive opportunity for their home
institution or country as well as for themselves.
In particular, the selection panel will pay particular attention to the
research record (publications in good international journals) and
potential (recommendation letters from established senior
mathematicians) and to evidence that at least one of the following
conditions is satisfied:
- The research interests of the candidate are close to those of one of
the scientific staff members at ICTP or at neighbouring institutions; and/or
-The candidate has a detailed and realistic research project that does
not require supervision, interaction or collaboration with other
researchers in the area.  (If possibilities exist for collaborating with
mathematicians in Italy or more generally in Europe, please highlight this.)
We also welcome applications from small groups - two or three scientists
who wish to spend some time working on a joint project  at ICTP.
Candidates should apply online
Candidates for longer term visits and Postdoctoral fellowships should
also arrange for three letters of recommendation (instructions for
submission of letters of recommendation will be provided after
submission of the online application).
Deadline for applying:   31 July 2012
Successful candidates will have the possibility to participate in the
Mathematics activities of ICTP, the International School of Advanced
Studies (ISAS/SISSA) and the University of Trieste, as well as the
opportunity to interact with visiting mathematicians.

For contacts:     E-mail: ;     Telephone:  +39-040-2240201
Maths Web Page:
         ICTP Home Page:

Trieste, May 2012

miércoles, 23 de mayo de 2012

Cupo para Maestria UdeA

El Grupo de Manejo Eficiente de Energía, GIMEL, de la Universidad de Antioquia,  clasificado por Colciencias en categoría A1, busca dos candidatos para la Maestría en Ingeniería en la línea de Automatización y Control, con los perfiles que se describen. Los candidatos, una vez admitidos, tendrán pago total o parcial de la matrícula en el programa, por parte del grupo GIMEL, y podrán participar por las becas de estudiante instructor que ofrece la facultad de ingeniería.


Pregrado en Ingenierías Eléctrica, Electrónica, de Sistemas, Mecatrónica, de Automatización y Control, de Software, ó áreas afines.

Background: Debe haber desarrollado trabajos en programación de dispositivos microcontroladores y/o microprocesadores o sistemas embebidos.

Área de trabajo: Implementación de algoritmos avanzados de control para equipos basados en dispositivos de electrónica de potencia. Programación de DSP´s Texas Instruments.

Cursos electivos: Además de los cursos indicados en el plan de estudios que se adjunta, el estudiante deberá tomar como cursos electivos:
Procesamiento Digital de Señales I
Procesamiento Digital de Señales II
Control Avanzado
Tópicos Avanzados de Electrónica de Potencia
Estos cursos electivos podrían cambiar de acuerdo a otras necesidades específicas del estudiante.


Pregrado en Ingenierías Eléctrica, Electrónica, Mecatrónica, de Automatización y Control, Electromecánica ó áreas afines.

Background: Debe tener alguna experiencia en el diseño de hardware electrónico tipo drivers y/o sistemas embebidos.

Área de trabajo: Diseño e implementación de tarjetas electrónicas para acople entre etapas de control y de potencia y sistemas de filtrado y de medida.

Cursos electivos: Además de los cursos indicados en el plan de estudios que se adjunta, el estudiante deberá tomar como cursos electivos:
Procesamiento Digital de Señales I
Control Avanzado
Tópicos Avanzados de Electrónica de Potencia
Diseño de Circuitos y Sistemas
Estos cursos electivos podrían cambiar de acuerdo a otras necesidades específicas del estudiante.


miércoles, 16 de mayo de 2012

Roller Coaster

Roller Coaster

For many people, there is only one reason to go to an amusement park: the roller coaster. Some people call it the "scream machine," with good reason. The history of this ride reflects a constant search for greater and more death-defying thrills.

How does a roller coaster work?

What you may not realize as you're cruising down the track at 60 miles an hour is that the coaster has no engine. The car is pulled to the top of the first hill at the beginning of the ride, but after that the coaster must complete the ride on its own. You aren't being propelled around the track by a motor or pulled by a hitch. The conversion of potential energy to kinetic energy is what drives the roller coaster, and all of the kinetic energy you need for the ride is present once the coaster descends the first hill.

Once you're underway, different types of wheels help keep the ride smooth. Running wheels guide the coaster on the track. Friction wheels control lateral motion (movement to either side of the track). A final set of wheels keeps the coaster on the track even if it's inverted. Compressed air brakes stop the car as the ride ends

Wooden or steel coaster: Does it make a difference?

Roller coasters can be wooden or steel, and can be looping or nonlooping. You'll notice a big difference in the ride depending on the type of material used. In general, wooden coasters are nonlooping. They're also not as tall and not as fast, and they don't feature very steep hills or as long a track as steel ones do. Wooden coasters do offer one advantage over steel coasters, assuming you're looking for palm-sweating thrills: they sway a lot more. Tubular steel coasters allow more looping, higher and steeper hills, greater drops and rolls, and faster speeds.

More Information about Roller Coaster History at the following link:
